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Dr. Edwin PinerPinerDr. EdwinCo-Director, MARCEmail: ep26@txstate.eduRFM 3240512-245-2131
Prof. Piner’s research and technology development interests are in the growth and characterization, semiconductor fabrication, and performance optimization of gallium nitride, aluminum nitride and their alloys for device applications. Less than one-tenth of the lab performance capability of III-Nitride electronic devices has been realized commercially. Thermal impedance is a key hindrance to closing this gap. The nitrogen-face of the polar GaN crystal is a noteworthy research field. Coupled with chemical vapor deposition diamond, N-face GaN FETs will offer the next device performance revolution of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (WBGs) in a variety of harsh environments, including high temperature applications. The AlGaN/GaN structure has particularly sensitive surface states coupled to the 2DEG channel of the FET. The sensitivity is exploitable for biological, radiological, chemical, and environmental sensors.
Prof. Piner's Texas State team has demonstrated a technique to grow single crystal GaN on patterned diamond. The technique involves epitaxial lateral overgrowth of III-Nitride thin film on exposed diamond windows demonstrating, for the first time, direct contact between III-Nitride semiconductors and diamond, without intervening passivating or protection layers. Combining this new technique with Ultra Wideband Gap (UWBG) semiconductors and heterojunctions will enable better modeling to comprehend phonon and vibrational-modes in UWBG materials and their interfaces with diamond, as well as lead to the interesting p-diamond/n-Al(Ga)N junction to study electrical transport and the potential for such a p-n junction for device applications. UWBG hetero-integration with diamond is expected to revolutionize the thermal transport challenges of high Al-content AlGaN/AlN (and gallium oxide, in the future) as well as enable a novel electrical junction device.
The combinable features of III-Nitride materials; N-face surface, wireless functionality, and harsh environment immunity in a single, environmentally safe, semiconductor material system, could pioneer a new era in solid-state device utilization for extreme applications.Research Interests
Dr. Piner's group is principally focused on research and technology development in the growth and characterization, semiconductor fabrication, and performance optimization of wide & ultrawide bandgap materials for solid-state device applications.
Dr. Yatin KarpeKarpeDr. YatinCo-Director, MARCEmail: aoe21@txstate.eduSTAR One 118512-245-6135
Yatin S. Karpe, Ph.D. is Assistant Vice President for Innovation, Commercialization & Engagement (ICE) at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.
Dr. Karpe's primary responsibility at ICE is to handle all day-to-day aspects of technology transfer and intellectual property management at Texas State University, as well as engage with and promote local, regional and national collaborations with industry, state and federal entities.
Before TXSTATE, Dr. Karpe worked as Director of the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) at Rowan University, Associate Director of the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) at Lehigh University and as Project & Technology Manager at North Carolina State University's OTT, all of which are located in USA. As a result, Dr. Karpe has experience of both, large and small, as well as public and private university OTT's.
He has over 21 years of combined experience (primarily in small office) managing all aspects of technology transfer, intellectual property, innovation management, licensing, commercialization, venture development, entrepreneurship and external engagement in an academic environment. In addition, Dr. Karpe is actively involved in various regional, national and international collaborations, partnership and economic development initiatives.
Dr. Karpe is a cabinet/advisory/planning member of several groups such as the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM), Licensing Executive Society (LES), University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), International Conference of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Regional Development (ICEIRD), World Intellectual Property Forum (WIPF), serving on several different committees. Dr. Karpe obtained his BS Engg. degree from University of Bombay, MS degree from University of Georgia and Ph.D. in Technology Management from North Carolina State University.
Claudia RoeschmannRoeschmannClaudiaAssociate Director for Design Innovation, MARCEmail: cr29@txstate.eduSTAR One 109(512) 245-2611
Claudia Roeschmann is a Professor in the Communication Design program in the School of Art and Design and Associate Director for Design Innovation in the Materials Applications Research Center (MARC), as well as Adjunct Doctoral faculty in the Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization program and Honorary Professor of International Studies at Texas State University. She was head of the Communication Design program from 2014 to 2020, and as graduate advisor directed the MFA program, a non-traditional low residency program from 2010 to 2020.
She brings 20+ years of international design experience and strategic entrepreneurial thinking to the university where she teaches human-centered design and design entrepreneurship. She also serves as the founder of the Design for America studio on campus and is the co-founder of the 1 Million Cups Greater San Marcos TX community. Claudia gets very excited about international and cross-disciplinary projects and speaks at conferences about design thinking and digitally engaged learning. Originally from Germany, she moved to New York in the 90s to work for Vignelli Associates before moving to Austin with her husband, where she runs ROESCHMANNdesign, a design studio focused on brand experiences for non-profit clients. Claudia loves to travel (preferably by sailboat, bike or foot) so she can spend time in bookstores and museums.
Dr. Jesus JimenezJimenezJesusInterim Co-Director, CIEDAREmail: jj30@txstate.eduIGRM 2203(512) 245-1826
Jesus A. Jimenez is a Professor and Interim Director of the Ingram School of Engineering at Texas State University. He has served as the Interim Co-Director for the Connected Infrastructure for Education, Demonstration, and Applied Research (CIEDAR) Consortium since 2023. Jimenez received his B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering from The University of Texas at El Paso, and his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Arizona State University. His research interests are in modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems; data intensive analysis & simulation; sustainable manufacturing & supply chain systems. He is a member of the College Industry Council on Material Handling Education (CICMHE) since 2016.
Karla PizanaPizanaKarlaBusiness Manager, MSECEmail: kp1180@txstate.eduRFM 3205(512) 245-1839
Karla Pizana is the Business Manager for the Materials Science, Engineering, and Commercialization (MSEC) Program and provides administrative support to the Materials Application Research Center (MARC) and Shared Research Operations Office (SRO). She assists with budget and grant related matters, faculty and staff hires, equipment purchases, Research Service Center billing, and personnel changes. She holds a Master of Science in Recreation and Leisure Services from Texas State University and is finishing a second degree in Accounting.
Marcus GossGossMarcusTechnical Operations Manager, STAR ParkEmail: mg75@txstate.eduSTAR One 150(512) 245-4003
Marcus Goss is the Technical Operations Manager for STAR Park and is responsible for facilities management, safety, and technical operations supporting clients. He also provides technical support to the Advanced Prototyping Lab. Marcus holds a Ph.D. in Material Science Engineering and Commercialization from Texas State University. He also holds Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Chemistry. Marcus has participated in several entrepreneurial activities and co-founded a tech startup reusing a bio-waste material to produce a chemical additive product. He is excited about innovation and commercialization of science and technology. Marcus is a veteran of the United States Air Force and has worked in communications, manufacturing, chemical, and materials science fields for over 25 years. Marcus’ career goals are focused on operations management, continuous improvement, and scholarly endeavors.
Marcus holds a private pilot’s license and is an aviation enthusiast. He likes to explore machines, mechanisms, tools, processes, and electronics. Marcus is also an accomplished musician and performer.
Becky KeatingKeatingBeckyCoordinator, STAR ParkEmail: rjk77@txstate.eduSTAR One 123(512) 245-7780
Becky Keating is the Coordinator for Texas State University's STAR Park.
In this capacity, she is responsible for managing a $500M+ budget, purchasing, billing, onboarding, and client relations. She plans travel, coordinates events, supervises student workers, and oversees
marketing and social media accounts in support of STAR Park, MARC, and CIEDAR. Prior to coming to STAR Park, Becky was an Administrative Assistant in the Health and Human Performance Department at Texas State University.
Becky holds an M.B.A. from California Coast University. As the spouse of an Air Force veteran, Becky has traveled the world and has had the opportunity to live in several states as well as overseas in Spain and Japan. She enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, and exploring the Texas Hill Country. -
Alma ApodacaApodacaAlmaAdministrative Assistant III, STAR ParkEmail: av12@txstate.eduSTAR One 128512-408-0306
Madalyn LeeLeeMadalynPublic Relations Specialist, STAR ParkEmail: starpark@txstate.eduSTAR One 102(512) 245-7827
Madalyn Lee is the Public Relations Specialist at STAR Park and is responsible for managing the social media accounts for STAR Park, the Connected Infrastructure for Education, Demonstration, and Applied Research (CIEDAR) consortium, and the Materials Application Research Center (MARC). She also assists with event coordination and promotion with internal and external entities, as well as being a friendly face you see when you walk into our front office.
She is currently a senior at Texas State University and is pursuing a B.F.A. in Communication Design with a minor in Mass Communication.